Client Processes
Oakland Building Services Ltd operates documented processes for the control of enquiries, quotations and orders from clients for new and ongoing business. Quotations are reviewed before issue and orders before acceptance. Any discrepancies or inadequately defined requirements are resolved with the client and confirmed.
Revised orders are updated as necessary and re-approved with any revised charges, delivery dates or other relevant changes to the terms of the contract to the client being advised in writing.
As necessary, documents are amended or re-issued to incorporate the changes, which are managed by the person making the change, who is responsible for ensuring that the changes are communicated to and understood by all involved in the order or contract.
Records of quotations, orders, contract review and client contact are maintained.
The Company has in place documented processes to ensure that all client needs and expectations, including feedback of information, are consistently achieved and that all client complaints are addressed in a proper manner. The individual responsible for achieving a satisfactory resolution to all client complaints documents the outcome.